The Marketing Methodology Workshop

What happens after you learn the Marketing Methodology Framework?

You’ll have a framework that sets you apart from the crowd that you can use over and over again. This method is priceless! It will streamline your content and marketing activities, leaving you feeling on top of things and with the energy to focus on what’s most important to you.

You’ll finally have the clarity you need to effectively communicate what you have to offer, who it’s for, and what solution it provides. This clarity will transform your marketing.

If you’re tired of being pulled every which way by the latest online trends, you’ll be happy to know that this method releases you from the grip of shiny object syndrome! Once implemented, you’ll always have a clear direction of your choosing to follow.

This is not magic; it’s a simple-to-follow system that works when you work it. 

The Marketing Methodology Workshop is a FREE five-session, on-demand workshop that guides you through a simple three-step process to create your custom annual marketing plan that you can use over and over again.

We promise it's worth it.

Here are some testimonials to prove that claim:

7 Modules

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The workshop is full of actionable strategies designed to allow you to create your streamlined, effective marketing system. Set yourself up for success by taking a tour of the VIP Portal. Answer the two questions we have for you and download the workbook.

Session 1: Begin With The End In Mind

Begin With The End In Mind: Learn how to connect with your ideal client on an emotional level based on what they want most.  

Most business owners are lacking clarity in communicating what they offer. On Day #1, you’ll be taught how to determine the content that will lead your prospects to want what it is you have to offer.

Session 2: Learn the A-B-C Method of Converting Prospects to Clients

Learn the A-B-C Method of Converting Prospects to Clients: Outline the right events and activities for the year that will provide you with a sustainable lead generation system. Your marketing plan should bring in qualified prospects, not just more prospects. We’ll explain the difference and show you how.

Session 3: Build a Streamlined, Effective, Flexible Marketing System

Build a Streamlined, Effective, Flexible Marketing System: Create the content that leads the right prospects to the events and activities you identified during the annual marketing planning session. Discover how to use content to overcome objections and educate to provide value to your prospects and establish your expertise. Learn how to use world events to your benefit.

Session 4: Bringing it All Together - Developing Your Custom Annual Marketing Framework

Today, we bring everything together and put all the pieces in place to create your streamlined, effective, flexible marketing system.

Session 5: The Encore Advantage

Today, you'll hear about the Encore Advantage, which is what our clients experience when working with us.

Real World Results

Our mission is to help as many women as possible achieve their dreams!

We're positively impacting the world by helping you do the same. The more of us that reach our dreams, the more we collectively impact the world.

Here, we're giving you the chance to hear directly from our clients about the transformations they experienced by working with us.  

Want to learn how you can achieve these same results?  Get inside!

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